Hey there, do you ever feel like your mind is a war zone of voices and chaos, to the point where you can't even hear yourself think, let alone discern God's voice? Like every day is a whirlwind and you just crave a moment of peace and clarity?

This week on the Nourished to Bloom Podcast (Episode 31), I dive into the art of tuning into God's voice amidst the daily noise and chaos that can often drown out His gentle whispers. Guess what? You're not alone in this struggle.

In our fast-paced lives, especially as moms and women, it often feels like we’re constantly surrounded by noise and chaos from the moment we wake up until our heads hit the pillow. With so many competing voices—worldly standards, societal pressures, and even our inner doubts—it can be incredibly challenging to tune into the one voice that truly matters: the voice of the Lord.

Episode Highlights:

  • Understanding how different voices impact our thoughts and actions.
  • Exploring the concept of a “holy headspace” and mind mapping.
  • Key scripture references that help distinguish God's voice:
    • Psalm 23:6 : God speaks with conviction, not condemnation.
    • 1 Corinthians 10:13 : His voice offers hope and a way out.
    • 2 Kings 19:12 : God's voice is firm but gentle.
    • John 16:8 : God calls us to specific ways of turning from sin.

So if you're ready to quiet your mind, listen intently for God's voice, and make decisions that lead you closer to a Christ-centered life, this episode is for you. Let’s embark on this journey together to find clarity amidst the chaos.

Remember, beauty held is the seed, beauty shared is the flower. It’s your time to bloom! 🌸 Let’s get started!

Next Steps:

**Connect with Kara and share your scripture insights: www.instagram.com/karatrochta

Sign up for the Faith Led Food Freedom Coaching Program- A 10 Week Christ-Centered Transformational Journey to Heal Your Relationship with Food & Your Body: www.karatrochta.com/foodfreedom

Book your FREE Wellness Audit Session at: https://calendly.com/karatrochta/faithledwellness

Join the 7 Day Faith-Led Wellness Challenge: www.challenge.karatrochta.com

Nourished to Bloom Community: https://community.karatrochta.com/spaces/8590323/list

Nourished to Bloom Show Notes: https://nourishedtobloom.com

Connect on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karatrochta/


Join The Nourished to Bloom Community: www.community.karatrochta.com

Instagram: www.instagram.com/karatrochta

The Nourished to Bloom Podcast Show Notes: www.podcast.karatrochta.com/shownotes

food,women,faith,health,Attention,MOMS,enemy,spirit,Body,scripture,chaos,Voices,dietitian,nourishment,intuitive eating,body image,Christian faith,Catholic coach,worldly ideals,Lord's voice,