Ep. 30 How Can I Be Hungry? I Just Ate An Hour Ago! Learning to Trust Your Hunger, Even When You Think It's Impossible To Feel Hungry

Hey friends! Welcome back to another episode of Nourish to Bloom. Today, we're exploring a topic that creates a lot of confusion—Why am I hungry an hour after I just ate?

If you're someone who finds themselves questioning their hunger sensations shortly after a meal, or if you feel trapped in a cycle of doubt and diet culture, then this episode is for you!

In this episode, I’m uncovering common reasons why you might feel hungry soon after eating and introducing an essential exercise from the intuitive eating workbook to help you identify and tackle diet culture thoughts that may be holding you back.

Key Takeaways:

  • Real-life scenarios where early hunger cues are frustrating and confusing.
  • Understanding why it's normal to feel hungry shortly after eating.
  • Potential reasons for early hunger:
    1. Higher activity level the day before.
    2. Inadequate amount or composition of your prior meal.
    3. Effects of a morning workout on your hunger signals.
    4. Biological factors like menstrual cycles affecting hunger.
    5. Disrupted hunger cues due to diet or illness.
  • How suppressing hunger cues can lead to mistrust in your body’s signals.
  • The importance of honoring your hunger to build trust and recognize bigger health issues early.

📣 Plus, I’m guiding you through an intuitive eating exercise designed by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch to differentiate diet culture thoughts from body sensations and identify self-care actions.

So, if you're ready to honor your body’s hunger cues and break free from the chains of diet culture, tune in now. Let's discover together how to trust in the beautiful design God has given you.

Next Steps:

Book your FREE Faith-Led Wellness Audit Session: https://calendly.com/karatrochta/faithledwellness

Join the Faith-Led Food Freedom Coaching Program - A 10-week Christ-centered transformational journey beginning the week of Sept. 10. Learn more and register at https://www.karatrochta.com/foodfreedom/

Sign up for the 7 Day Faith-Led Wellness Challenge: www.challenge.karatrochta.com

Nourished to Bloom Community: https://community.karatrochta.com/spaces/8590323/list

Nourished to Bloom Show Notes: https://nourishedtobloom.com

Connect on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karatrochta/

Time Stamp Overview:

00:00 Feeling hungry soon after eating is normal.

06:59 Trust your body for intuitive eating decisions.

08:20 Honoring body prevents illness; promotes intuitive eating.

12:13 Consistently nourish your body, regardless of exercise.

15:04 Diet culture disrupts body's natural hunger signals.

21:23 Question dieting or self-care when eating lightly.

25:24 Overcome diet culture with faith-based wellness approach.

27:15 Book your session today; spaces filling quickly.

Beauty held is the seed; beauty shared is the flower. It’s your time to bloom! 🌸 Let's get started!

Join The Nourished to Bloom Community: www.community.karatrochta.com

Instagram: www.instagram.com/karatrochta

The Nourished to Bloom Podcast Show Notes: www.podcast.karatrochta.com/shownotes

Hunger,calories,premenstrual,breakfast,Distractions,nourishment,intuitive eating,diet culture,Self-care,diet soda,mental energy,body trust,hunger cues,body sensations,physical sensations,biological hunger,intuitive eating workbook,raw vegetables,