Hey there, Nourish to Bloom family and my fellow sisters in Christ! Welcome back to another episode of Nourished to Bloom. Today, we're navigating a slightly different path due to unexpected circumstances in my household but one that's equally important.

In this episode, we delve into establishing a foundation of trust in intuitive eating. Trust is the cornerstone of our journey, especially when life throws us curveballs, like a good old stomach bug. So, let's dive into how you can lean into trust — trust in your body, trust in your relationship with food, and ultimately, trust in God's larger plan for you.

Key Takeaways:

  • Surrender and Trust : Life’s unpredictability can be an invitation to pivot and place our trust in the Lord.
  • Intuitive Eating and Trust : Unlike diet culture, intuitive eating is about trusting your body and its signals, a practice that can deepen your trust in God.
  • The Faith Led Food Freedom Program : A Christ-centered approach to healing your relationship with food and your body by fostering trust.

To support you on this journey, I shared a few key prayers I personally lean on:

  1. Lord, that Your plan is greater than anything else, Jesus I Trust in You
  2. Jesus, I surrender myself to You, take care of everything.
  3. Lord, take my efforts and multiply them.

Plus, I led you through one of my absolute favorite prayers, the Litany of Trust. This prayer beautifully encapsulates the essence of laying down our fears and anxieties at Jesus' feet and embracing trust.

Call to Action: 🌟 If you’re feeling called to deepen your trust and heal your relationship with food, it’s not too late to join the Faith Led Food Freedom Program. This 10-week transformational journey is designed to align your eating habits with faith-filled living.

Sign up here: Faith Led Food Freedom

🌷 Remember, friends, beauty held is the seed, beauty shared is the flower. It’s your time to bloom! Embrace trust, surrender your plans to God, and take this step towards a more peaceful, intuitive relationship with food.

Next Steps:

  • Join the Faith Led Food Freedom Coaching Program : A 10-Week Christ-Centered Transformational Journey to Heal Your Relationship with Food & Your Body. Begins THIS WEEK. Learn more and register at https://www.karatrochta.com/foodfreedom .

Podcast resources: Book your FREE Wellness Audit Session at https://calendly.com/karatrochta/faithledwellness

Join the 7 Day Faith-Led Wellness Challenge: www.challenge.karatrochta.com

Join the Nourished to Bloom Community: https://community.karatrochta.com/spaces/8590323/list

Nourished to Bloom Show Notes: https://nourishedtobloom.com

Connect on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karatrochta/

Thank you for praying with me and for supporting this pivot. Have a blessed week and remember to place your trust in Jesus’ capable hands. Until next week, friends. Bye for now!

Join The Nourished to Bloom Community: www.community.karatrochta.com

Instagram: www.instagram.com/karatrochta

The Nourished to Bloom Podcast Show Notes: www.podcast.karatrochta.com/shownotes

Motherhood,surrender,nourishment,intuitive eating,Self-care,body positivity,Trust in God,Faith and Health,healing relationship with food,relying on god,intuitive eating principles,faith-led wellness,faith-led food freedom,Christ-centered intuitive eating,