Ep. 26 But What If I Still Want to Lose Weight? How to Overcome the What-Ifs and Worries of Intuitive Eating

In this episode, we address the fears and doubts you’re often faced with when considering a shift away from diet culture. If you’ve been contemplating intuitive eating but still find yourself worrying about weight loss, this conversation is here to reassure and guide you.

Key Takeaways:

  • Fear and doubts are some of the biggest reasons people struggle to embrace lasting change.
  • We’ll explore common fears about intuitive eating and how diet culture plays a role in perpetuating them.
  • Emphasis on relying on faith, recognizing the lies that keep us stuck, and making actionable steps towards freedom.
  • Highlight the empowering process of intuitive eating where you learn to trust your body's wisdom and God's plan for you.
  • Acknowledgement that it’s normal to still want to lose weight but explains how these desires can be compassionately addressed within the intuitive eating framework.
  • Intuitive eating is accessible on any budget, allowing you to make choices based on your genuine preferences, not restrictions.

📣 And guess what? I’m offering a free webinar called "Getting Started with Christ-Centered Intuitive Eating" to help you begin this journey with clarity and confidence. Join me on Thursday, September 5 at 11:00 AM Central where I'll share practical steps to get started and address all your questions. You don’t want to miss it!

If you’re ready to embark on a path of healing your relationship with food, leaning on your God-given body’s wisdom, and making choices that truly reflect your faith, tune in now. Let’s overcome those what-ifs and embrace the freedom of intuitive eating together.


Next Steps:

**Sign up for the free webinar on September 5th at 11 am CST: www.karatrochta.com/webinar

Join the Faith Led Food Freedom Coaching Program- A 10 Week Christ-Centered Transformational Journey to Heal Your Relationship with Food & Your Body. Begins the week of Sept. 10. Learn more and register at https://www.karatrochta.com/foodfreedom/

Book your FREE Wellness Audit Session at https://calendly.com/karatrochta/faithledwellness

Join the 7 Day Faith-Led Wellness Challenge: www.challenge.karatrochta.com

Join the Nourished to Bloom Community: https://community.karatrochta.com/spaces/8590323/list

Nourished to Bloom Show Notes: https://nourishedtobloom.com

Connect on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karatrochta/


00:00 Discover joyful nourishment, healing and confidence in Christ.

05:47 Gain knowledge, take action for change.

09:43 Overcoming fear of failure in intuitive eating.

13:38 Trusting God's design unlocks intuitive eating.

14:57 Gentle approach to intuitive eating and self-compassion.

19:29 Embrace intuitive eating, find balance and peace.

21:44 Understanding body cues important for physical, emotional well-being

27:17 Let go of dieting, find peace instead.

31:04 Intuitive eating levels health for all budgets.

34:23 Podcast promotes intuitive eating with coaching support.

38:39 Webinar on Christ-centered intuitive eating for you.

39:55 Get actionable strategies, intuitive eating steps, replay.

Join The Nourished to Bloom Community: www.community.karatrochta.com

Instagram: www.instagram.com/karatrochta

The Nourished to Bloom Podcast Show Notes: www.podcast.karatrochta.com/shownotes

overcoming fear,weight loss,Intuitive eating,diet culture,God's plan,taking action,food choices,body wisdom,fear of change,free webinar,lasting changes,intuitive eating journey,recognizing lies,trust in body,accessible intuitive eating,