The #1 Thing You're Missing for Better Health

What influences your health decisions? Where do you turn for health and wellness advice? Maybe it’s your best friend telling you about the latest detox she did or some instagram influencer talking about the latest method they used to drop weight, and fast.

In 2021, the wellness industry was valued at $1.5 trillion and continues to grow annually. (That’s a lot of money we are spending on our physical bodies year after year!) Yet despite our investments, society seem to be less healthy each year.

The current approaches to health aren’t working, and we seem to be constantly grasping for a miracle drug, food or product holding on to the promises that this will be the thing! Each quick fix becomes nothing more than a band-aid to get us by to the next empty promise.

So what are we missing? Or maybe it’s more of a WHO are we missing?

The Challenges Christians Face in Today’s Wellness Culture

As Catholics and Christians we are called to invite Christ into every aspect of our lives, including our health and wellness.

I certainly never even thought to invite Christ into my health, and I don’t think I’m alone. I think we overlook the value it could bring to this area of life, with many viewing it as an area of life they can personally control.

But I believe that it’s the #1 thing missing from our health & wellness plans and pursuits.

I think, for many of us, it’s an area that we just don’t think we need God. Health & Wellness tends to be an externally influenced area of our life—looking to doctors, dietitians, nutritionists, trainers, celebrities and influencers— everything outside of ourselves—to tell us what we need to do to lose weight, eat healthy or prevent illness.

But one of the biggest problems with outside experts and influences for our health information, is that they largely leave out fundamentals of our Christian faith making it inherently secular. We know our body’s are a temple of the Holy Spirit, that Christ has a home within each of us, and because of that we know we need to take care of our physical body.

But not many of us think about how we can take care of our bodies in a faith integrated way.

Why We Need Faith in Our Health

Jeremiah 33:6 says, “Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it, I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace & security.”

Christ is necessary for health & healing. Only in Him will we truly be healthy enough to enjoy abundance, peace & security.

Today’s wellness culture places an overemphasis on physical health and outward appearance as indicators and measure of overall health.

The wellness industry looks at everything separately—nutrition, exercise, mental health, weight, illness—instead we need to shift an approach that, like Christ, looks at us as a whole person—mind, body & soul.

We need to approach our wellness focused on the integration of all these areas and understand how they impact us mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

As I mentioned earlier, health care has become vastly secular so if we are to integrate our faith into our wellness efforts, it’s important to understand some of the church’s fundamental beliefs about health care.

3 Foundational Christian Beliefs About Health

In an article written by Ronald P. Hamel and Kevin O’Rouke for the “Religious Traditions and Healthcare Decisions” handbook series, they share these 3 foundational beliefs about health.

  1. Human Dignity: Every individual is created in the image and likeness of God, possessing inherent dignity and worth. Our value is not determined by societal standards but by our divine nature.

  2. Stewardship: We are stewards of our lives and health, entrusted by God to care for ourselves and others. This responsibility extends to the wise and compassionate use of our physical and spiritual gifts.
  3. Holistic Health: True health encompasses physiological, psychological, social, and spiritual dimensions. It's not merely about physical well-being but also about nurturing our spiritual connection with God.

How to Start Integrating Your Faith with Your Health

Many of us, myself included have struggled with our relationship with food and body image, associating our worth with numbers on the scale or societal standards of beauty, never considering these fundamental beliefs in our wellness choices. However, through the principles of Intuitive Eating, coupled with faith and scripture, I discovered a transformative approach to health and wellness.

Intuitive Eating, developed by dietitians Evelyn Tribole, MS, RD and Elyse Resch, MS, RD, FADA, CEDRD, encourages a whole-person approach to healing our relationship with food and body. As a Catholic Dietitian, I have integrated these principles with faith teachings to help women embrace their true dignity and worth, focusing on God’s calling in their lives.

If you find yourself struggling with your health and self-worth, I encourage you to invite God into your wellness journey. Embracing a holistic approach to health, rooted in faith, can lead to profound growth and transformation—physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  Surrendering control and trusting in God’s design for your mind, bodying soul can bring about lasting peace and abundant fulfillment.

Join the Challenge

So if you're ready to invite God into your wellness journey, I invite you to join me for a 7 Day Faith-Led Wellness Challenge, where we'll explore how to integrate faith into every aspect of your health. Throughout the week, you'll receive encouragement, support, and practical steps to align your wellness goals with your faith.

It's easy to join the challenge! Simply click the link below, enter your email, and check your inbox each morning for guidance on your faith-led wellness journey. Let's embark on this transformative journey together, trusting in God's plan for our mind, body, and soul.

Join the 7 Day Faith-Led Wellness Challenge

Together, we can discover the abundant peace and fulfillment that comes from surrendering control to God and embracing His design for our authentic well-being.